
How You Can Use Technology To Stay Engaged With Your Student's Parents

Education & Development Blog

As an educator, an active line of communication with parents is vital to the success of students. However, parents don't always exactly have an abundance of extra time on their hands. Between personal and professional obligations, it can be challenging to accommodate their time needs while also keeping them in the loop with important information. If you're not relying on technology, you're missing out. Internet Grade Books When it comes to keeping parents informed about their child's progress, you don't want to wait until the last minute to highlight a problem.

8 March 2017

Understanding Math: 3 Helpful Tips For Those Using A Tutor

Education & Development Blog

Math is a tough subject for many students. If you are having a hard time passing your math class, you might want to consider a tutor. A tutor can help you understand tough subjects, such as trigonometry. A tutor can also help you study for large upcoming exams, such as the SAT or ACT test. Regardless of your needs, a math tutor is often a worthwhile expense. Unfortunately, a tutor is often expensive.

8 March 2017

Four Advantages Of Sending Your Child To A Private School


When you were growing up and it was time for kindergarten, you most likely went to the public school a few blocks from home or to the Catholic school around the corner, even if your family wasn't Catholic. But things have changed over the years, and in areas where student choice vouchers are used, most parents are doing a little more research before deciding where they want their child to be schooled.

7 March 2017

2 Things Parents Can Do To Help Their Child Love Reading

Education & Development Blog

It is very important to know when your child is ready to learn to read and when you need to wait. Many parents get excited about their child being an early reader and push too hard too early. There is a lot of research that supports both early reading, and waiting until the child is ready. By mixing the two concepts together you can watch your preschooler to see if they are ready to read, and if not still foster a love for reading.

7 March 2017

Tired Of Being A Store Manager? 2 Masters In Healthcare Programs That Are Perfect For Business Majors

Education & Development Blog

If you earned your bachelors degree in business years ago and now manage a retail store, then you may love your job or you may wish you had chosen another major entirely. If you wish you would have pursued a bachelors degree in the field of healthcare, then you may be surprised to learn that you wouldn't have to earn a second bachelors degree in the alternative field to make a career change.

7 March 2017

Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks: 3 Post-Retirement Education Programs To Help You Get The Most Of Your Golden Years

Education & Development Blog

Retirement can be a scary prospect for many, since it can often be one of the first times you've been truly free to do whatever you want since college. In order to answer the eternal retirement question of, "Now what?" many people turn to a surprisingly roundabout answer: going back to school. Attending a local college in order to learn a new skill or one that's always been more of a hobby is a great way to get a lot out of your retirement, and maybe even bring in some money doing what you love with your new degree.

2 March 2016